Raw New Year's Menu + Debra's Favorite Calendars and planners for 2024

Happy Holidays + Happy Early 2024!

As you know, I am a big fan of calendars + planners. Some of my favorites include Leonie Dawson's My Brilliant Year Workbooks, We'Moon Calendar, and I Stand for Love Calendar.

Check 'em out!

If you're in ATL, I'm offering a New Year's Raw Food/ Plant-Based Menu for Delivery or Pickup.

Order by Thursday 12/28 @ 7pm! Pick up on New Year's Eve Day!

>>> Click here to order!!!!

Sending Love, Peace + Dreams Awake in 2024!!!

Happy New Year!!!!



P.S. If you need a New Year's Reading or Life Coaching Session to align you for 2024, I got you! ;)