Priestess, Goddess, Queen, President

Wow, what a week politically!

Although I am a Marianne Williamson voter at heart, I am actually excited about Kamala Harris being the Presidential nominee (I know there's one more process that still needs to happen).

I have a connection to India, having spent 4 months in South India in 1999 at Auroville and on a Study Abroad program with School for International Training.

And I certainly get excited about Black Women being in political leadership! I worked for the Democratic Party for the Stacey Abrams Campaign in 2018 and it was deeply rewarding.

The announcement definitely threw many of us for an energetic loop, due to the break in status quo!

I did an Affirmative Prayer the day of this Surprise, on Facebook and Instagram (<--click to watch).

And now... Storytime for Change...

When the Pandemic first happened, I had come into an amazing rhythm with my daily practices: Journaling via The Artist's Way (morning pages), along with 20 minutes of guided meditation. It was working really well for me.

And then it wasn't enough. With all the fear running around, and the desire to be healthy, and all the energies of uncertainty in the air, I needed more. Journaling and meditation wasn't going to cut it. I needed exercise. Outside in nature. And I needed Breathwork. Now I've added those things.

Lately I've felt called to up my practices again. Here are a few things that are working for me (everyone's different, and I help you find what works for you in my Health Coaching):

1) Celery Juice + other juices. I got into celery juice while personal cheffing for a family on the Medical Medium diet. I've been juicing at home, and I do a few days' worth at once. Dekalb Farmers' Market is a great source of Celery Juice as well in Atlanta. Research the Medical Medium to learn more about his theories behind celery juice.

2) Shifting my Rhythms with Food. Eating earlier in the day. Eating more protein. I am used to starting my day with watermelon juice, tea elixir drinks, or green smoothies, and not eating a solid meal until later in the afternoon. Some would call it intermittent fasting. Really, it's just been my body following its own intuition about what it wants and when. But I've been experimenting with shifting things around, and it's working for me!

2) Exercise. Strength Training. Cardio. I felt intuitively guided towards personal training and also running outside, rather than my normal walks and hikes. I bought myself new running shoes for my Birthday, to celebrate this new habit!

3) Sexuality Heals. I've been starting to own my sexuality again after a year of grieving a breakup. It feels great! And is helping balance my hormones. During the Pandemic I healed painful menstrual cycles through owning my sexuality as well, and got involved in Sex Down South Conference, where I've been a volunteer and presenter. I'm also following Kim Anami and sexual healing for hormonal balance.

>>> Are you feeling called to adopt new health + wellness protocols? Comment on the blog to schedule a FREE Holistic Health Coaching Session (if you've never received one before) or email here.


Here's to healing the healer, and always learning, and being open to growth!

I'm feeling amazing with this new, stronger, turned on, light, and powerful version of myself!

With Love,



P.S. Sending Love + Blessings to all those affected by Sonya Massey.

P.P.S. I'm still offering Life Coaching, Reiki, Psychic Readings (I just had a fun corporate event), Affirmative Prayer, and more.

But I've been more focused on food lately, and it seems the Universe is responding!

I recently was accepted into an Apprenticeship Program with a Plant-Based Celebrity Chef who is a few steps ahead!

If you, or someone you know, are interested in a Private Chef specializing in Raw Food, Plant-Based, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Medical Medium, Living Foods, Gerson Therapy, or another specialized diet, please have them reach out to me:

I also have Retreat Recipes for Yoga Lovers (my gluten-free, plant-based cookbook) available exclusively as an ebook.


"Absolutely obsessed with Debra’s incredible chocolates. They are a favorite gift to receive and give and I regularly commission their making and distribution to my teams and productions to spread the love. On many a trip to Atlanta I have felt so blessed and grateful to indulge in her raw food dishes and I will forever highly recommend her services to any and everyone looking for a delectable experience."

- Rosario Dawson, Actress

Where in the World is Debra??!

Heyyy! I am back on the blog for the first time since Valentine's Day. Excited to get back in the rhythm of writing these! Been posting on Instagram, if you want to follow me there too!

I have been allll over ATL with food gigs the past couple months.

Some of the places include: catering a women's retreat at the mindblowing and breathtaking The Florrest 2 hours outside of ATL (by the way, if you want to host a retreat there, please mention my name for a special package!)

I've done food pop-ups at: The Bardo Gallery, Stellar Roots Herbal Farm, LiviRae Lingerie, Atlanta 5Rhythms Dance, Nyarai Waistbeads, and more.

I've also been offering Raw Food Menus for pickup or delivery via a text list. Please email me and send me your number to receive texts (they are really from me, not spammy).

And I'll be at The Bardo Gallery this Saturday, doing a food pop-up with Hot Love Chocolate Truffles.

In other news, Debra Mazer Worldwide LLC is officially up and running in the state of Georgia.

I received an Apprenticeship opportunity with an iconic Celebrity Plant-Based Chef that is incredibly exciting!

Rosario Dawson has this to say about me:

"Absolutely obsessed with Debra’s incredible chocolates. They are a favorite gift to receive and give and I regularly commission their making and distribution to my teams and productions to spread the love. On many a trip to Atlanta I have felt so blessed and grateful to indulge in her raw food dishes and I will forever highly recommend her services to any and everyone looking for a delectable experience." - Rosario Dawson, Actress

Gahh! That's so exciting!

Yess, I'm still doing Life Coaching, Reiki, Psychic Readings (I have a corporate gig next week), Affirmative Prayer, and more.

But I've been more focused on food lately, and it seems the Universe is responding!

If you, or someone you know, are interested in a Private Chef specializing in Raw Food, Plant-Based, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Medical Medium, Living Foods, Gerson Therapy, or another specialized diet, please have them reach out to me:

I also have Retreat Recipes for Yoga Lovers (my gluten-free, plant-based cookbook) available exclusively as an ebook:

And lastly, it was my Birthday last month! People showed up and showed out, gifting me things on my registry (I am all about celebrating yourself on birthdays, rather than waiting for someone else to do it!)

If you want to check out items that are left on my Birthday Registry, it's here:

Much Love + I'll be back soon with more to share!



Self Love is the Best Love: Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Imbolc (halfway between winter and spring) and Happy Valentine's Day!

If you're in ATL, I have a Raw Food Valentine's Menu for pickup or delivery:

>> Click here to order!!!

Raw Food for Valentine's Day is available February 13 + 14. Orders must be placed by 5pm today!

Also, Hot Love Chocolate Truffles can be shipped anywhere!

Are you single, partnered, married, dating, or somewhere in between?

I was recently reminded that Self Love is the Best Love. Check out these beautiful quotes on cards (photo below) I received at a We.Society event in ATL.

The daffodils are first foraged this week!

I have a beautiful video series on my website, Conscious Communication Games, great for all your relationships!

>> Check it out here!

Much Love + I hope you'll allow me to share my Love this Valentine's Day with my Raw Food Desserts and Savory Items!

What are your plans for Valentine's Day?

Blessings + Lots of Love!



P.S. The form to order Raw Food in ATL is here (please order by 5pm today, Saturday 2/10). Thanks so much!!

Debra in the Press, American Sesh + Raw Food in ATL

Happy 2024!

I was blessed to be featured in two articles: the Atlanta Jewish Times -- a beautiful article all about my Raw Food!

(And yes, I stand with innocent civilians in calling for a #Ceasefire! I especially love this page Rabbis4Ceasefire if you haven't checked it out yet!)

And FitLife North Atlanta -- green smoothie recipes!

Click above to read!

I was also gifted the opportunity twice to be at Pinky Cole Hayes' American Sesh, a live event with billionaires, entrepreneurs, and creatives!

If you happen to be in ATL, I'm offering another Raw Food Menu for pickup or delivery this week!

>> Check it out + hop on ASAP!

Orders must be in by Thursday 2/1.

One last thing!

Look for me this Saturday, February 3rd at Sol Dance!

I'll be vending my Best of Raw Award-Winning Hot Love Chocolate Truffles and other Valentine's Day inspired Raw Food treats!

Has January been a shadow dive for you? I got you!

Check out my Instagram Live full of mental health tips for anxiety!

It's on Facebook too! ;)

Much Love!



I’m Vending at a Toni Jones New Year’s Event in ATL

If you're like me, you LOVE Affirmation music and are a huge fan of Toni Jones!

You're not? Well, you need to be!

I'll be vending my Best of Raw Award-Winning Hot Love Chocolate Truffles at Toni's New Year's Eve Living Room Experience in ATL.

And it's a vibe!!

>>> Grab your tickets here!

Much Love + Happy 2024!!! Can you believe it?!

Sending Warmth + Hugs,



P.S. If you need a New Year's Reading, Life Coaching Session, or anything Raw Food to align you for 2024, I got you! ;)

Raw New Year's Menu + Debra's Favorite Calendars and planners for 2024

Happy Holidays + Happy Early 2024!

As you know, I am a big fan of calendars + planners. Some of my favorites include Leonie Dawson's My Brilliant Year Workbooks, We'Moon Calendar, and I Stand for Love Calendar.

Check 'em out!

If you're in ATL, I'm offering a New Year's Raw Food/ Plant-Based Menu for Delivery or Pickup.

Order by Thursday 12/28 @ 7pm! Pick up on New Year's Eve Day!

>>> Click here to order!!!!

Sending Love, Peace + Dreams Awake in 2024!!!

Happy New Year!!!!



P.S. If you need a New Year's Reading or Life Coaching Session to align you for 2024, I got you! ;)

Raw Thanksgiving Menu!

Hi Lovely!

If you're in Atlanta, I'm offering a Raw Plant-Based Thanksgiving Menu for pickup or delivery!

If you're elsewhere, you can grab my instant download, Raw Thanksgiving + Winter Holiday Recipes, to help you prepare for next week!

>>>> Please click here for the Order Form for Debra's Raw Plant-Based Thanksgiving Menu in ATL! <<<<<

>>> Ordering ends Sunday, November 19th @ 5pm EST, so get your order in now! <<<

My Personal Chef rates are much more expensive, so this is an amazing chance to enjoy my food!

The Menu:

(Yes, 100% Raw Plant-Based)

  • Individual Lentil-Walnut Loaf

  • Mashed Cauliflower

  • Raw Vegan Mac + Cheese

  • Fresh Raw Cranberry Sauce

  • Marinated Kale Salad w/ Seasonal Herbs

  • Marinated Garlicky Green Beans

  • Pomegranate-Persimmon Fluffy Cake Slice

  • Hot Love Chocolate Truffle

$85/ per person for all 8 items


$65/ per person for 5 items of your choice (can be different for each person)

>>> Click here to Order! <<<<

There are pickup + delivery options on the order form!

I know all you old-time Vibrance Weekly Menu people are excited!

It's been a WHILE since I offered something like this!

Happy Holidays + $5 of every meal will be donated to your choice of two organizations assisting Native/ Indigenous Americans, or those in the Israel/ Gaza humanitarian crisis.

I enjoyed choosing organizations that matter to me personally.

>>> Click here to Order! <<<<

Much Love!



P.S. If you don't live in Atlanta, please don't feel left out! Grab your instant download of Raw Thanksgiving + Winter Holiday Recipes here! <<<

P.P.S. Below are a couple pics of my Raw Thanksgiving Food from past years!

I'm in Bold Journey Magazine!

Happy Full Moon Eclipse!

How are you doing with the World Events? It's an intense time, and it's important to remember self-care, as we navigate, for me, also praying for justice, peace, and human rights.

Some may like it, and some may not, but I stand with the innocent people in Gaza and Jewish Voice for Peace.

I'm excited to be featured in Bold Journey Magazine this month!

>>> Check out the article here!

Also, as we enter into Halloween, a reminder that I have Hot Love Chocolate Truffles available for purchase + I also do Psychic Readings for parties!

Much Love + Prayers for Peace,



Toxic Positivity + I did Psychic Readings at Google!

Happy Full Moon!

When I first went thru a breakup 6 years ago, I thought, "Life only gets better from here! It can only go up!"

And proceeded to live out a few bucket list dreams: went to Bali, published my book Retreat Recipes for Yoga Lovers, visited Esalen, went to Spirit Weavers Gathering.

And then the grief hit me. And it was hard. I learned to allow it. To pull the car over to cry. To be with the emotions and allow the waves to come + go.

I also allowed myself to be supported in community: therapy, family, friendships, healing practices.

Before this grief experience, I may have been one of those "toxic positivity" people. Law of Attraction or bust. Not dealing with my own shadows + wounds.

And Yes, I love + believe in Law of Attraction. I do Affirmations, Dream Dialogue, hold close to my Dreams.

However, life is all of the above. And we have to make time to feel.

Because of my own life experiences, I love to hold my clients in the shadow + in the light.

Sometimes it's the unprocessed shadow that's getting in the way.

Are you craving support?

I wanted to let you know I'm doing a special on Life Coaching!

>>> Only until 12 midnight EST/ 9pm PST tomorrow, September 30th!

>>> 10 Life Coaching Sessions for $1500 total (1 hour each, on Zoom).

You can read more about my Life Coaching + hear from happy clients here.

Normally my sessions are $222/ each, but I'm feeling inspired to be generous, as I'm fundraising for a Leadership + Marketing Training of my Dreams! << Click there for the official fundraiser!

In order to get this deal, sessions must be paid in full by 12 midnight EST/ 9pm PST tomorrow, September 30th!

>>> If you're a YES to this one-time offer, and ready to book, you can sign up here! <<<

Much Love + Have a Great Weekend!



P.S. I did Oracle Card Readings for an event @ Google this week! Super exciting + fun!

Check out my IG post here!

Cultivating Your Psychic Abilities

What does it mean to be Psychic?

Some people are born psychic, some people cultivate their gifts.

I believe we are all intuitive by nature, but we have to tap our potential.

I've been doing Oracle Readings professionally for over 10 years, and lately have been a Psychic Reader on Keen, + work for a Psychic Agency in Atlanta doing private + corporate events.

But even before that, I've had some interesting Psychic experiences!

I've been thinking about how we develop our Psychic Gifts.

Here's my Top 3 Steps to Becoming Psychic:

1) Clear your channel: BODY.

Eat healthy. When you change your diet, you allow the connection to Spirit. Many ancient mystics fasted. You can simply eliminate processed or dense foods that clog your connection to Spirit.

For me, I became a Raw Foodist 22 years ago, and have been committed to healthy eating (in moderation) ever since.

2) Clear your channel: SPIRIT.

Meditation + journaling are something that I've been doing daily for 9 years and 16 years, respectively. When you get in touch with your own feelings, it gives you the ability + awareness to tune into others.' Meditation is an internal, spiritual/ mental daily cleanse.

If you don't have a daily practice tailored to you (whether it's meditation, yoga, or anything else that satisfies you) I suggest you go back to Morning Rituals Playbook, my free e-book you received when you first signed up for Love + Inspiration Notes!


Many people ask me how I got started. I tell them I went to a Psychic Medium Circle at the metaphysical bookstore.

The Medium looked at me and said, "You are psychic. Do you have a card deck?" I said "Yes, but I only use it for myself." He said, "Start using it for others."

So I set up shop outside at Piedmont Park. lol ;) And gave Readings by donation. People actually loved them + said I was accurate. So I started putting a price tag on what I do.

Risk doing it badly. Practice on a friend + ask if it was accurate. See what they say.

>>> What do you think of my suggestions? Do you feel Psychic at times, or wonder if you are Psychic?

>>> Let me know if you try any of my techniques!

Like I said, we all are Psychic. It's about cultivating the gift.

Cultivating our Psychic Abilities is something I touched on in my Market Research calls -- Thank You to everyone who participated!

Because of the amazing response, the opportunity is now closed.

But you can book a one-on-one Life Coaching Session or Psychic Reading with me anytime!

Sending Love to All!

And Happy Mayan Day Out of Time!



Free Sessions on My Birthday

I've been buckling down, creating new offers in my Coaching/ Psychic/ Healing Biz!

Will you help me?

Here's the scoop:

I've been refining + reconfiguring my biz offerings (Healing, Coaching, Readings, Prayer, Holistic Wellness, Food, Spiritual + Creative Support) + I have a Request for Help!

>> Are you open to hopping on a 30-min Zoom call with me for some Market Research?

As a Thank You, I will then schedule a FREE 30-min Session of your choice (Reading, Coaching, Prayer) for you to FULLY receive.

>> I'm calling in 15 + people who want to do this, in the next 2 weeks!

I’m doing Market Research with the intention of refining + fine-tuning my next evolution of Frequency School, my group coaching program.

Here’s who I’d like to talk to over the next 2 weeks:

  • People who know they are here to contribute in a big way to create the New Earth

  • Heart-centered healers, lightworkers, and leaders

  • Creatives + Entrepreneurs

  • People who are manifesting a new Job or Career Path

  • People who are creating a Book or Album + need support

  • People who want better Communication in their Relationships

  • People who desire to be Authentic but are afraid of what people might think, do, or say

  • Those who are struggling with truly claiming their voice and power in the face of expectations from others

  • People who want to cultivate their Intuition and develop a true Spiritual Practice

  • People who are ready to change their diet, incorporate more healthy Plant-based + Raw Food, and Cultivate a Healthy Relationship to Food, and Intuitive Eating, in a way Unique to You

  • People who are looking for more Wellness, Balance + Self-Care

  • People who are evolving past their current Circle of Friends, Community, + Family

>>> Is this YOU?

Please feel free to forward to a friend who you think would LOVE to do this too!

Thanks so much!

And Happy July 2023 -- can you believe it?!

We are halfway through the year!!!



Missing My Food? Craving Community? Holistic Spa Co-Working in ATL + Virtual Sessions

Hey Beautiful!

My experience in Tulum was full of synchronistic, easy community connections, healthy food, and the collective intention for healing.

I'm keeping that vibe ALIVE, with my new creation, Holistic Spa Co-Working, tomorrow in ATL, Tuesday, January 31st in my beautiful sanctuary home in the forest. If you're in the area, I hope you can attend!

Admission includes my FOOD, and you can add on spa services! It's going to be SOO FUN!

There are a few more spaces available, register on Venmo here.

I'm back in Atlanta + considering re-launching a version of the Vibrance Weekly Menu! (Anyone here in the original group from years ago?!)

Please let me know your thoughts, feedback, + wishes!

For those in Los Angeles, or anywhere else around the globe, you can always book a Zoom Reading, Zoom Private Recipe Class, Zoom Life Coaching, Holistic Wellness Coaching + more!

If you're looking for your best cheerleader, someone who believes in your wild + crazy vision, who knows how to hold ALL of you, and is going to hold you accountable to making it happen, I'm your woman!

Please be in touch by commenting below!

Much, Much Love + Hope your January has been shaping up well!



Happy New Year New Moon!

Happy New Year + New Moon!

I am writing this from Tulum, where I am for a week + SOOO grateful!

Are you looking to find yourself + your direction for the New Year?

Book a Psychic Card Reading Session (it's infused with Life Coaching, Reiki, and Affirmative Prayer, so you get all in one ;)

I have 3 spaces left for January! (By the way, these are over video.)

So grab yours now by clicking Reply to this email OR click the link on my website!

These are first come, first served!

"We are all just walking each other home." - Ram Dass

I would be honored to hold your hand along the journey.

Reach out if I can be of service to you. (You can email and write me a note if you have questions.)



P.S. I have 2 new pages up on my site!

One is for Personal Chef and the other is for Reiki!

Check them out + let me know what you think! ;)

My Favorite Salad Places in ATL

Happy December!

I thought you might enjoy an uplift!

My Favorite Salad Places (in ATL, in no particular order)

1) Upbeet: Ahhh, when I first walked in this place, I felt like I was in LA (in a good way!) I love putting local Asheville-made hempeh in my salad, I always get the Detox dressing. Everything is so fresh + lovely! And all the dressings appear to be raw/ fresh!

2) Tassili's Raw Reality: I LOVE the wraps! I get mine in seaweed + do a version of the Punany Wrap (except I sub carrot tuna + Moroccan couscous). Yum Yum Yum!

3) Lov'n It Live: If you don't know about this all-organic Black-owned amazing sit-down raw food restaurant in Atlanta, well, now you know! I used to work here in 2006, and sometimes I still fill in! Judy + Vincent are the owners, tell them I sent you! And order the Kale Salad! (The raw vegan quesadillas are one of my favorite items too! ;))

4) Alon's Bakery: I know, surprise! This is a little-known salad secret! In the back of the bakery, lies a build-your-own salad menu that is phenomenal! The perfect haricot vert, roasted beets, heaps of avocado, and a lemon-oregano dressing that is to live for!

5) Dekalb Farmers' Market: Anyone missing the salad bar here, as much as I do? Dekalb Farmers' Market, please bring it back! All those sprouts, the marinated salads, and the cooked international foods on the other side of the bar!? The hummus + babaganoush, the nuts + seeds, the olives... yum yum yum!

6) Whole Foods: This is a standard go-to salad bar for any city. It's getting a lil pricier per pound, but it's still a lot of fun! And who can resist the chick'n fried-tofu squares at the Ponce location in ATL? ;) ;) ;)

P.S. I'm also a great salad-maker! If you need me for Catering, Vending, or Personal Chef, I am at your service! Lots of happy client testimonials here.

Blessings + Have a Beautiful Week!



Everything Debra for Small Business Everyday

Happy Small Business Everyday!

If you're looking for a gift, check out my Etsy store, Debralicious.

There you'll find:

Retreat Recipes for Yoga Lovers (plant-based cookbook)

Open-Eyed Heart-Wide Haggadah (ritual book)

downloadable recipe e-books (New Raw, Little Red Recipes)

and some Visual Art as well (paintings, jewelry)

If you'd like to gift yourself a Reiki Session (local to ATL), an Oracle Reading, Life Coaching, Holistic Health Coaching, or Wedding Officiation, I am here too!

I'm also a Personal Chef + offer Private Recipe Classes.

Please comment below + let me know you're interested to learn more! For those offerings on, you can just book it there!

Happy Shopping!



Vote for Me for FabOver40!

Happy Voting Season!

I early voted, and if you haven't, I hope you will be voting on Election Day! (*THIS* Tuesday, November 8th)

In all transparency, I worked on staff for the 2018 Stacey Abrams campaign, and am rooting for her humanitarian-driven platform.

Speaking of Voting, will you vote for me in the FabOver40 contest?

It's free and takes 30 seconds.

Click this link:

Once you click, you can log in through Facebook, it's sooo easy!

Also, you can actually vote 1 time/ per day, and each vote counts! So, bookmark the link, and keep voting everyday!

I made it through 4 rounds, and am currently in 5th place!!! Can you help me make it to 1st place??!!!!

Click here:

Thanks so much in advance!!!



P.S. Have you been following my journey since the Best of Raw days in 2014?

Y'all helped me win that contest for my Hot Love Chocolate Truffles with your votes, and I am FOREVER GRATEFUL!!!

I know we can WIN again!!!!

From my heart to yours,

